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A Message from Principal Wagner

A Message from Principal Wagner2024-08-12T16:45:36+00:00

I am excited to serve Boulder City High School in my eleventh year as your principal. We have enjoyed fantastic success as a beacon of academic excellence for our community and district. Because of this, Boulder City High School is not only known for its tradition in academics, but also in athletics and extra-curricular activities. This has been accomplished through hard work, dedication, and partnerships that have existed between staff, parents, and the community. All groups work tirelessly to expose and engage our students in unique learning experiences.

Grounded by a rich history, Boulder City High School embraces tradition, family, community, excellence, and scholarship in inspiring and preparing our students for tomorrow. Our vision for our students is to inspire a passion for learning while developing a community of self-reliant, motivated students who actively pursue college and career readiness skills in a tradition of excellence.

With this in mind, we want our students to get involved in the many different activities and electives available at Boulder City High School. Whether you become a member of one of our sports teams, performing arts classes, CTE courses, or get involved in one of the many different club or organizations, we want you to be active at BCHS. Your involvement will help increase your enjoyment in school, keep you away from negative influences, and expand your future opportunities.

The faculty and staff wants you to enjoy your school year and know that all of us are always available to help, guide, and support you as you navigate this journey at the ‘World’s Greatest High School’. Go Eagles!

Amy C. Wagner

Principal Wagner’s Video Newsletter Library

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