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Parent & Student Resources

Parent & Student Resources2024-08-27T18:29:08+00:00

Attendance Information

Record your absence notes on the online Google Form within three (3) days directly following the absence. After three (3) days, the absence will remain “unexcused”. Provide doctors’ notes in the form when absences are due to medical/dental treatment. Please email our attendance secretary, Mrs. Jennifer Battiste, at 0941-attendance@nv.ccsd.net if you have any further questions.

Regular attendance at school is a necessity if students are to achieve to their fullest potential. Parents/Guardians are urged to work with school personnel to resolve issues that may interfere with their student’s school attendance.  The below resources relating to attendance are available.

Annual Release and Network Access Form

The Clark County School district requires the completion of the Annual Release and Network Access Form by the parent/guardian.  All three sections must be completed: (1) Restrict Release of Directory Information; (2) Media and Public Release; and (3) Computer Network Access.

Once signed and dated, the form shall remain in effect until the end of the current school year.  However, at any time during the school year, the parent/guardian may revoke this permission for future use by notifying, in writing, the principal of the school.

BCHS School Bank & Webstore

Crisis Response Information

We in the Clark County School District place a high priority on protecting the safety of our students and employees.  In emergency situations, if everyone knows what to do, all involved can Stay Calm and Stay Safe.  Please click the button below and review Boulder City High School’s Crisis Response Information.

Delivery Policy

Please be advised that “special deliveries” such as flowers, balloons, cookie bouquets, special lunches, etc., cannot be accepted. These items are a disruption in the classroom and pose a safety hazard in the hallways. We cannot hold onto these items until the end of the day and be held responsible if they are damaged or lost. Additionally, these items are not allowed on the school bus.

Also, we cannot accept money deliveries for students at the front desk. The school cannot accept the liability for money delivered to students. If a school/class fee is due, payments can be made at the school bank or our Web Store located on this site. Money can be placed into student lunch accounts at www.myschoolbucks.com.

Finally, pulling students out of the classroom to pick up money, homework and other forgotten items causes a disruption to their education. Except in emergency situations and at the discretion of Administration, students will not be removed from class.

Thank you for your cooperation in these matters.

Effective Parent-School Communication

The level of collaboration between families and educators is an important predictor of student academic achievement. CCSD has provided the below information (available in both English and Spanish) on Effective Parent-School Communication in order to foster an active partnership with your child’s school.

Emergency Medical Tools at School

Every school within the Clark County School District (CCSD) has tools to assist with a wide variety of medical emergencies.  Some of these tools include Automated External Defibrillators (AED), Bleeding Control Kits, Epi-Pens, and Narcan.

To find out more information about the tools available at BCHS, please click the button below for PSA’s provided by CCSD:

English Language Learners / Assembly Bill 195

Assembly Bill 195 revises provisions relating to pupils who are English learners to extend the rights of English learner pupils and parental rights. CCSD has made PDF versions of the rights described in Assembly Bill 195 (AB 195) available in a wide variety of languages, accessible by clicking the button below:

Food & Cafeteria Services

For information relating to food service for Boulder City High School students, including Breakfast Menus and Lunch Menus, please click button below.

Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus is Clark County School District’s official student information system and is designed to give you online access to your student’s academic information and a variety of other resources from the school district.

In Infinite Campus, parents and students can access the following information:

  • Attendance: Displays a student’s attendance history for the school year
  • Grades: Displays the student’s grades for courses. (In this section the course number/section and course name link to any details in the teacher’s grade book).
  • Assignments: Displays a list of assignments and the student’s score on completed assignments.
  • Reports: Provides the ability for parents to access the following:
  • Default Student Schedule: Displays a printable view of the student’s schedule.
  • Missing Assignment Report: Displays a printable view of assignments that the student has not yet turned in, as noted from the teacher’s grade book.

Map of School

Please click the button below to access a map of Boulder City High School in a printable PDF version.

Mental Health Resources

ParentGuidance.org offers free mental health support to parents through education and therapeutic support as they support their child’s mental health. Parents can sign up for access to services, such as one-on-one parent coaching, live family mental health series webinars, online and on-demand online lessons, etc. via the button below.

Nevada Teen Peer Support Text Line

The Nevada Teen Peer Support Text Line is a stigma-free, non-crisis peer support text service for adolescents and young adults ages 24 years and younger. Youth can text in at 775-296-8336 from 10am to midnight 7 days a week and 365 days per year to be connected for a one-on-one text conversation with a young adult Peer Wellness Operator.

The Nevada Teen Peer Support Text Line is confidential and staffed by trained young adult peers in recovery who provide support from lived experience to youth impacted by mental illness or life stressors. On November 1st teen text line online chat feature will be made available to all Nevada youth at https://namiwesternnevada.org/. Contact Carissa Parsons for more information at carissa.namiwnv@gmail.com.

Parent and Community Partnership Meetings

Each month, parents have an opportunity to meet, informally, with the school principal to discuss a variety of issues facing Boulder City High School.  PAC meetings for the 2024-25 school year will be held monthly following the schedule provided below:

September 11, 20249:00amBCHS Lecture Hall
October 9, 20249:00amBCHS Lecture Hall
November 13, 20249:00amBCHS Lecture Hall
December 11, 20249:00amBCHS Lecture Hall
January 15, 20259:00amBCHS Lecture Hall
February 12, 20259:00amBCHS Lecture Hall
March 12, 20259:00amBCHS Lecture Hall
April 16, 20259:00amBCHS Lecture Hall
May 14, 20259:00amBCHS Lecture Hall

Parents Make A Difference Newsletters

CCSD make a monthly newsletter available in order to provide parents with valuable insight and resources.

Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion Policy

The Clark County School District rejects all forms of racism and will hold staff and students accountable for the implementation of the practice of identifying, challenging, and changing the values, structures, attitudes, and behaviors that perpetuate systemic racism.

To find out more information about this policy, please click the buttons below.


SafeVoice is an anonymous tip report system with live response 24/7/365. Safevoice includes and goes beyond bullying to create an anonymous way to also report threats of school violence and friends at risk of suicide, self-harm, drugs and more.

To find out more information about SafeVoice for both Students and Parents or to MAKE A REPORT, please click the button below.

“Ditch School … Ditch Your License.”

Senate Bill 269 is a Nevada law requiring students to attend school regularly in order to apply for and keep their driver’s licenses and learner’s permit.

Under the law, students under the age of 18 who wish to apply for a learner’s permit or driver’s license must submit to the DMV office at the time of application a completed DMV-301 form signed by a school official. This form will verify that the applicant has attended at least 90 percent of the school days in the current semester — or they did not miss more than seven days of a block schedule and 10 days of a non-block schedule.

Please click the button below to learn more about SB 269.

Volunteer Information

CCSD welcomes and encourages parents, family members, and community members to volunteer in our schools and partner with us in our vision to ensure that all students progress in school and graduate prepared to succeed and contribute in a diverse global society. Please use the button below to read the guidelines and requirements to volunteer at a CCSD school.

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