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School Organizational Team

School Organizational Team2025-02-11T18:32:41+00:00

School Performance Plan & Strategic Budget

To view Boulder City High School’s School Performance Plan, Status Tracker, or the Strategic Budget, please click on the appropriate button below.




SOT Agendas & Meeting Minutes

General Information About School Organizational Teams

The establishment of School Organizational Teams at schools supports the belief that critical decisions affecting instruction are best made at the school level by those most closely involved with the students. An increased level of autonomy granted for making decisions that directly affect their schools and students will result in increased accountability at the school level and a tendency for school communities to take ownership of student progress.

School Organizational Team Nomination & Election Information

As part of the reorganization of the Clark County School District, each year our school will form a School Organizational Team (SOT) that includes four parents and/or guardians. Members will be elected by a vote of the parents and guardians at Boulder City High School. Your input is important to the success of our school and our students, and it is an opportunity to collaborate on decisions we make for the school. Please take time to consider how you can be involved in this process and represent your community on the BCHS SOT. 

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